As with braces, the general oral condition is evaluated before the transparent plaque treatment. Since orthodontic treatments are long-term treatments, all teeth must be healthy before starting treatment.

For example; A previously formed caries must be detected and necessary precautions must be taken in order to make the necessary filling process or to prevent further progress of the teeth showing the beginning of decay. If there are tartar in the mouth, it is very important to perform the necessary tartar cleaning and to remove any accumulation that will prevent the plaque from settling on the teeth.

Invisible aligner treatments, as in braces, applications other than orthodontic treatments such as implant restorative treatments should be postponed after the transparent plaque treatment. Thus, since the teeth will be lined up properly in the mouth, all treatments except orthodontics can be performed easily and properly.

In the treatment planning for transparent plaque treatment, if the orthodontist thinks that 20-year-old teeth will create a negative situation for the current treatment, these teeth should be extracted before the transparent plaque treatment. In general, patients should be performing their oral care very well before orthodontic treatment.

Patients should be given good oral oral hygiene training in order not to encounter any problems with tooth brushing during the treatment period, and the proper performance of this by patients should be followed. The fact that teeth can be brushed comfortably in the transparent plaque treatment compared to other treatments actually contributes to oral care during the treatment process. The important thing is that the oral care obtained before the treatment continues throughout and after the treatment.


In order to find out whether the wireless orthodontics is suitable for you, you must first examine the orthodontist. As a result of a comprehensive examination, your suitability for treatment with plates is determined by diagnosis and treatment planning.

In this planning, which will be made especially for you, it is decided how your tooth movements should be in order to achieve your new smile. For this, the measurements are taken from you and transferred to the computer environment and your tooth movements are determined through the 3D program. The final state of your teeth, how long your treatment will take, and how long which tooth will move can be seen through this program. The next step is the production phase of your plates.

Afterwards, your doctor will make the necessary preparations on your teeth at the beginning of the treatment and deliver your first plates. It informs you about the use of the plates, how to insert and remove them, and keeps track of you up to your end plates. Plaque therapy is a treatment that requires discipline and should not be followed by your doctor’s instructions.